Wednesday, September 28, 2005

China Wrap-up

Traveling in China it is hard not to come away without seeing mostly good things especially when you are traveling with a tour guide as we were. This brings me back to the India-China comparison, which still seems silly if you’ve been to both countries, but still worth mentioning again in this context. I the big difference between China and India is that its hard to see the good things that are happening with India’s technology services revolution since a few people are becoming rich and then building walls around themselves to insulate themselves from the rest of India; whereas in China it seems that a larger number of people are benefiting from their technology manufacturing revolution.

Other observations:
1) China is a very dynamic place. Changes in China are very evident even in a short period of time as I can tell that things have changes a lot since being there three years earlier.
2) Many people in China are clearly now living a first world life. There are still a lot of people that aren’t but they seem to be getting some of the benefits of development nonetheless.
3) Tourism in China is on the rise. Both domestic tourism and international tourism seem to be increasing and this should have some serious implications going forward as people from different parts of China and the rest of the world become more familiar with and comfortable with the country as a whole.


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